Client Education

Client Education in SimpleSet

SimpleSet offers an easy way for you to communicate your clients condition with them to foster better understanding and adherence to their program.  

Create New Education 

1.  In the Education tab hit the "+ New" button to create your own piece of education.

2. On the right side of the screen, enter your education and customize the content.  You can customize the text, upload images and draw on top of them. 

  1. Once done, hit "Save".  This will save to your "Personal" folder.  

Saving Content

  • Any content you create will be saved into your "Personal" folder.  This includes custom education content as well as edited stock education pieces.   
  • Once you've created your education content, your own piece or edited ours, hit the "Save" button.  This will save your piece to your "Personal" folder and will be visible in the "All" and "Personal" tab, marked with a light grey "Personal" on the title of the education piece.  

Moving Content

To move your personal education content, drag and drop it into the correct folder.  

Adding Education to an Exercise Set

1. Once you have built your exercise set, find the + Education button 

2.  Choose your education document.  You can flip through the tabs at the top, "All", "SimpleSet", and "Personal" to refine the search.  "All" will have both your education and SimpleSet education, "SimpleSet" will have stock education, and "Personal" will have your edited and scratch education.  

3.  Hit "Attach".  The education is now in your exercise set. 

Edit Education Content for a Client 

Once your education is added to the exercise set for the client, you can completely customize it to fit your clients unique needs.  

Note: Doing this edit will not overwrite the original education piece, it will only create edits for your individual client.  

1.  Open the Education piece within the exercise set while in the Designer

2.  Click on the title of the Education to open it

3.  Fully customize by editing text, drawing over images, creating and uploading your own images and documents.  Hit the green "Save" button at the bottom once done. 

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