
How To Email Your Exercise Set To Your Clients 

1. When you have finished creating an Exercise Set, navigate to the Send button at the top of the Exercise Editor.

2.  If you have emailed the client before, search for their name in the "Search for an existing client" search bar.  If they are a new client, add their information using + Client.

**The Portal Key allows the client to view their Exercise Set in the Client Portal.  Be sure to communicate to your client what you entered for the Portal Key

3.  When the Exercise Set is still loaded in the Designer, there will be a check mark on each button if the Exercise Set was successfully Saved or Sent. 

Customize the Email 

1. Edit the email body and signature to customize the email, and change the title of the exercise program if you wish (note- the date is the default name of the exercise program).

2.  Once done, hit "Sign and Send."  You will be prompted to electronically sign to confirm the email is done by you and addressed to the right client.  

3. Your clients will receive an email with a link to their exercise program.

Using the CC Function

1. Input a CC address above the body of the email (you can set a default CC email for all sent emails in Customize Outgoing Email).

*CC will send a receipt of sent exercises to any emails listed.  This just a receipt, so it does not include any exercise information.  If you insert your own email address into the default CC field, it's a handy way to confirm that you've sent a client's exercise program!

2. The CC address will receive a notification that an email has been sent to the recipient's address:

Managing Sent Emails

Each email you send creates a Client Profile. You can manage your emails and clients in the Client Manager.  

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