Working With Multiple Programs

Open a New Blank Exercise Set

1. When you begin with a new Client, click on the + New tab at the top of the Designer to create a new Exercise Set. Click on the tab to give the Exercise Set a name.

1. When you have more than one open Exercise Set, you can navigate by clicking on the tabs at the top...

....or using the scroll bar at the bottom.

Shrink the Exercise Database

1. If your screen is large enough, you will see the option to shrink the size of the Exercise Database. This helps see more Exercise Sets at the same time.

Drag and Drop Content Between Exercise Sets

1. To copy content from one Exercise Set to another, select the content and drag in the direction of the second Exercise Set.

Pin an Exercise Set for Quick Access

1. To quickly access and copy exercises from an Exercise Set like a protocol, Pin it over top of the Exercise Database and drag content into open Exercise Sets.

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