Enable Secondary Authentication

To improve the security of your account you can enable a Secondary Authentication, or a 2FA (2 factor authentication).  The 2FA will be a 6 digit code sent to the email address associated with your SimpleSet account.

When you authenticate for the first time, your IP address is logged and associated with your account. If you log in using the same IP address within a 2 week period, you will not be asked to authenticate again.  However if you log in and a new IP address is detected, you will be asked to re-authenticate and a code will be sent to the email address associated with your SimpleSet account. Again this IP address is logged and you will not need to authenticate again within a 2 week period. Note- you can have multiple IP address associated with your SimpleSet account at the same time.

1.  Head to "Settings".

2.  Choose "Security".

3.  Turn the 2FA on or off. 

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